A image of Julio Cacko looking foward with a nice social shirt in a train station at background

Hey there! I'm Julio , originally from Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, but these days, you can find me living in Hortolândia, São Paulo. UX/UI Designer with a 6 +year track record in creating user-centered, accessible interfaces, driving significant improvements in user satisfaction and engagement while excelling in Figma, Adobe XD, and front-end development technologies.

UX/UI Designer Extraordinaire

Professionally, I specialize in UX/UI Design with a mission to create user experiences that are seamlessly smooth, elevating brands to new heights. I've refined my skills to craft visually appealing interfaces for various markets and devices, often drawn to more specific markets for the unique challenges they present.

A particular fascination of mine lies in constructing design systems. It's akin to having a toolbox filled with fantastic design tricks that I can organize and employ to create both beautiful and functional outcomes.Oh, and let's not forget my absolute fascination with building design systems. It's like having a toolbox filled with all these fantastic design tricks that I can organize and use to make something beautiful and functional.

Diverse Skillset

My career journey has been diverse, delving into project management, marketing, web design, and even venturing into front-end development (with no stranger status to PHP and HTML). Research also plays a significant role in my background.

What sets me apart is my commitment to using design not just for aesthetics but as a tool to enhance people's lives through technology. I'm dedicated to the world of accessibility, ensuring that every UI/UX interface I create contributes to improving users' lives.

Sharing Knowledge

Sharing knowledge is a passion of mine. Whether through contributing to open-source projects or hosting webinars and engaging in casual conversations, I enjoy spreading wisdom within the design community and beyond.

Always Learning and Growing

I believe in continuous growth. Every day, I strive to become a better UI/UX designer, soaking up knowledge and employing my interdisciplinary skills to creatively solve problems. Ideally, these solutions foster communication and understanding among individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures.s.

My Side Project

On a personal note, I've launched my own company, Catlabel Game Studio. Currently, I'm deeply involved in developing a game using Unreal Engine 5. It's an exciting venture that combines my passion for design and technology.

You can keep up with our journey and updates on Twitter by following us at Catlabel Game Studio Twitter. We're always sharing the latest news and behind-the-scenes insights. Feel free to join us on this exciting adventure! 😄

Let's Connect!

If you want to reach out, just drop me an email at juliocacko@gmail.com. I'm always up for a chat, collaboration, or just to share some insights.

My Toolkit

By the way, I'm pretty handy with some tools of the trade:

  • Figma
  • Invision
  • Protopie
  • Sketch
  • Adobe XD
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Miro
  • PHP, React JS and HTML & CSS
  • Wordpres
  • Blender
  • Unreal Engine

That's a bit about me and what I'm currently working on. Looking forward to connecting with you and possibly collaborating on something awesome together! 😊